How Old Is Naruto. Naruto ( ナルト )) is a japanese manga series written and illustrated by masashi tells the story of naruto uzumaki, a young ninja who seeks recognition from his peers and dreams of becoming the hokage, the leader of his village. Here’s a simple recount of naruto’s age throughout different arcs after shippuden and in boruto.
Naruto ( ナルト )) is a japanese manga series written and illustrated by masashi tells the story of naruto uzumaki, a young ninja who seeks recognition from his peers and dreams of becoming the hokage, the leader of his village. Naruto and hinata get married at 20 years of age after the war and naruto the movie: Masashi kishimoto created the naruto series, and it began airing in 2002 and ended after two animes on march 23, 2017.